
Homebrew, is the missing package manager for Mac and Linux, whilst Linux has it’s own package manager for each distributions- Homebrew is a cross platform package manager for UNIX based operating systems.

To install homebrew on a Mac or Linux (intel based) copy and paste the following command into your terminal window.

Now I wouldn’t normally recommend copy and pasting a curl command straight in to your terminal window and allowing it to install without knowing what the command is doing, but in this case its safe todo so.

It might take a while to complete, but once its done - you’ll have full access to all it has to offer.

Installation of a brew package is as simple as ”brew install (followed by the package name)” - Homebrew even allows you copy the command so you don’t have to type, with a little clipboard you click.

Brew install package

Everything you install within Homebrew is confined the Homebrew folder, allowing easy removal. GUI apps like Chrome can also be installed via Homebrew.




Strava Pluggins