iPhone and iPad Security

Just a quick little tip to protect your device, if you happen to loose it/pick pocketed or stolen - allowing to keep tracking the device using the find my network.

Turn Find My On

First step is obviously have the find my option turned on within iCloud.

  1. Settings

  2. Select your Name / iCloud account at the top

  3. Select Find My

    1. Find my iPhone / iPad

      1. Find My iPhone - Turn On

      2. Find My network - Turn On if you wish to help others find their items

      3. Send Last Location - Turn On (this will save its last known location when the battery is low)

How To Stop Wifi / Cellular being turned off.

Whilst the phone has Wi-Fi or Cellular signal the device can be found, as soon as this is turned off the device goes dark.

When a lost or stolen phone is “found” those with nasty intent, instantly swipe down and turn off Mobile Data (cellular) and Wi-Fi from control centre.

This can be stopped by doing the following

  1. Go To Settings

  2. Face ID or Touch ID & Passcode

    1. Enter Passcode

  3. Scroll down to Allow Access When Locked

    1. Turn the slider off for

      1. Control Centre

      2. USB Accessories

If you do happen to misplace your device you’ll have a good chance of finding it now.


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