Coconut Battery

Insider knowledge on your iOS battery information

With coconutBattery you are always aware of your current battery health

We’re nearly three years after the Apple “Christmas 2017 Battery Scandal” and purely by accident 1 month after the Scandal in 2017* I stumbled across a MacOS app which gives you the inside track on the data your IOS device holds on your battery.

*Content in this post is from 2017 when the ‘scandal’ hit and refers to older versions of iOS… The application itself Coconut Battery I still use today, to monitor both my MacBook, iPhone and iPad batteries, so I felt like sharing on my new blog.

Coconut-Flavour-Coconut Battery 

Now you’re wondering, how do you stumble across an App, I was looking for a Battery Info/Monitoring app for my old 2006 MacBook 13″ which I’ve just replaced the battery in, the machine is running Snow Leopard and I generally use it to mess about with Apple Script on or compile Raspberry Pi SD cards. (Which reminds me I need to start my Pi Series of posts off)
The old clunker of a MacBook uses a legacy version of Coconut Battery App, but my newer MacBook is able to use the 3.6.6 version, this is where it gets interesting as it can display iOS Device Battery data.

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Just as I found the app, Apple released the iOS 11.3 Public Beta 2 which brings the battery monitoring and the ability to turn off chip throttling – I currently only have my iPhone 7 Plus in the Beta program, can’t be taking the safety catch off on all devices just yet!!


The built-in iPhone battery information is showing very limited details, which is great for the general consumer market as the more in-depth information is no interest, I’ve tested this with a few un be knowing subjects, but us tech nerds always like to delve that little bit deeper into the workings of everything… So here’s the details from coconut battery on my iPhone 7 Plus…

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Now the iOS 11.3 Public Beta. 2 – Battery information is in beta only, and it’s pretty accurate with its reading, Coconut Battery reads the battery information instead of the information held within side the operating system. Looking at the data I’m surprised its only had 269 cycles I was expecting a lot more and the battery life to be worse, mainly due to the amount of time the device says on charge plugged into the car via USB. 

Doing some research and later backed up from the coconut battery and Apple websites, the use of low powered USB to charge the device isn’t as detrimental to the battery as the faster and higher wattage charges will put the devices battery under stress and/or causing heat build up which is a massive no-no for a Lithium-Ion battery.

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